Brief Bio

Yeşim Aksan was born in 1964 in Turkey and graduated from Hacettepe University in 1985 with a B.A. degree in Linguistics. She obtained an M.A. degree in Linguistics in 1988, and completed her doctoral studies in Linguistics at Hacettepe University in 1995.

Aksan started her career at Hacettepe University as a research assistant in 1985. She was appointed Assistant Associate Professor in 1995 and became the co-founder of the Program of English Linguistics at Mersin University. She was appointed Associate Professor of Linguistics in 2004 and full Professor of Linguistics at the same University in 2009. She has taught discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, verb semantics and general linguistics at the graduate level, and introductory linguistics, Turkish linguistics, corpus linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, language typology, and cultural linguistics at the undergraduate level. She has supervised several theses and dissertations in these areas. Since 2000 she has been the vice head of the English Linguistics Program at Mersin University. She has been serving as member of the Administrative Board of the Faculty of Science and Letters and member of the Academic Board of the same faculty since 2011.

Aksan has published widely on Turkish linguistics, particularly on verb semantics, aspectual properties of Turkish, Turkish discourse, conceptual metaphor, and corpus linguistics in national and international journals, including Metaphor and Symbol, Turkic Languges, Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA). She has contributed book chapters in Bridges and Walls in Metalinguistic Discourse (with D. Kantar, edited by A. Duszak & U. Okulska, Peter Lang, 2006), Current Trends in Pragmatics (with D. Kantar, edited by P. Cap & J. Nijakowska, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007), Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts (with M. Aksan, edited by P. Wilson, Peter Lang, 2012). Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture and Communication (with M. Aksan, edited by F. MacArthur et al., John Benjamins, 2012). She is a member of the Advisory Board of Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA), and is the project director of the nationally funded first large scale web- based general corpus of contemporary Turkish (Turkish National Corpus, She is the founding member and the secretary of Center for Corpus Studies ( She has (co-)organized national and international conferences in linguistics and Turkish language teaching and co-convened panels at these conferences.

Languages: Turkish (native); English (very good); French (intermediate); German (intermediate)

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Yeşim Aksan
Title and Affiliation: Professor Dr. – Toros University
Office: Department of Translation and Interpretation
School of Foreign Languages
Toros University, 45 Evler Kampüsü
33140 Mersin-Turkey
Telephone: +90 324 325 33 00
Fax: +90 324 325 33 01



1995 Ph.D. in Linguistics, Hacettepe University
1988 MA in Linguistics, Hacettepe University
1985 BA in Linguistics, Hacettepe University


Academic Positions

2009- Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, English Linguistics Program, Mersin University
2004-2009 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, English Linguistics Program  Mersin University
1995-2004 Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, English Linguistics Program, Mersin University
1986-1995 Research Assistant, Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching Program, Hacettepe University

Administrative experience

2012 Organizer  5th International Turkish Language Teaching Conference, 5-6 July 2012, Mersin University
2011 Organizer Panel:“Counterpoint: (Im)politeness research through the lens of corpora and corpora through the lens of (im)politeness  research”, 6th International Symposium on Politeness: Corpus Approaches,11-13 July 2011, METU, Ankara (with Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi)
2007 Organizer Panel:“Metaphors of Love and Anger: Implications for Self”, 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 15-20 July 2007, Jagellonian University, Krakow (with Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi and Prof.Dr. Mustafa Aksan)
2007 Organizer The 21st National Turkish Linguistics Conference, 10-11 May 2007, Mersin University
2006 Organizer Undergradute Students’ Meeting, 8 June 2006, Mersin University
2001 Organizer Talk on Turkish lexicon (delivered by Prof. Dr. Doğan Aksan), 17 April 2001, Mersin University
1999 Organizer Talk on Turkish syntax: Infinitives and Noun phrases in Turkish (delivered by Dr. Engin Sezer), 2-3 June 1999, Mersin University
1998 Organizer The 18th National Turkish Linguistics Conference, 14-16 May 1998, Mersin University
1997 Organizer  Shakespeare Days, 11-12  May 1997, Mersin University
1995 Organizer ELT Afternoons: INGED and Mersin University , 29 April 1995, Mersin University

Research Interests

Corpus linguistics: Corpus building, corpus-based language studies; Cognitive linguistics: Conceptual Metaphor Theory, emotion and metaphor, corpus-based metaphor analysis, metaphor in educational context; semantics with special emphasis on lexical semantics and formal semantics; event structure; lexical and grammatical aspect with a focus on the cross-linguistic encoding of aspectual properties; semantics-pragmatics interface; Turkish linguistics; teaching English as a second/foreign language

Research Projects

2013 – A corpus-based online morphological analyzer and word-affix frequency dictionary of Turkish,Project director; supported by the Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (grant no:113K039). 
2012-2014 Conceptual Metaphors Related to University Enterance Exam, Project director; supported by  Mersin University grant (BAP-FEF İDEB (SYA) 2012-6A)
2012-2014 A Corpus-derived Analysis of Test Items Used in ÖSYS Tests, Member of research team; supported by  Mersin University grant (BAP-EF EÖDB (DA) 2012-6 A)
2010-2011 Building a corpus of informative Turkish texts, Project director; funded by  Mersin University grant (BAP-FEF İDEB (SYA) 2010-3)
2009-2010 Building a corpus of Turkish fiction, Project director; funded by  Mersin University grant (BAP-FEF İDEB (SYA) 2009-3)
2008-2011 Building a national corpus of Turkish; Project director; funded by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey  grant (108K242)
2006-2008 Text processing strategies of bilingual adults: Think-aloud protocols and cognitive processes; Member of a research team; funded by Mersin University grant (BAP-EF EB(ÖÇ) 2006-1)
2006-2007 Love metaphors in English and in Turkish; Project director; funded by a grant of American Research Institute in Turkey.

Grants and Fellowships

2013 Conference grant, The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey
2008 Conference grant, The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey
2006 Research fellowship, American Research Institute in Turkey
2006 Conference Grant, Mersin University
2005 Conference Grant, Mersin University
2004 Conference Grant, Mersin University
2004 Conference Grant, University of Geneva
2003 Conference Grant, Turkish Academy of Sciences

Dissertation Supervision

Completed M.A. Dissertations

Demirhan, U. U. (2013) Description of polysemous verbs in Turkish with special reference to pattern grammar.
Atasoy, G. (January 2012). Tagging ambiguous word classes in Turkish.
Öz,S.  (January 2012). A corpus-based analysis of Turkish conceptual metaphors formed via body parts.
Duran, N. (June 2010). Syntactic and semantic analysis of serial verbs in Turkish.
Kayadelen, T. (June 2008). Plurals, mass nouns, and telicity in Turkish.
Çetintaş, F. (June 2004). A study on temporal converbs in Turkish.
Uçar, A. (June 2003). Analysis of some semantic primitives in Turkish with special reference to Jackendoff’s conceptual semantics.
Sazyek, Ö. (June 2003). Media Discourse: A critical linguistic approach to the analysis of news on economic crises.
Ulaş, F. (June 2002). Syntactic and semantic analysis of postpositional purpose and reason clauses in Turkish.
Bıldırcın, Y. (September 2002). Syntactic and semantic analysis of modal adverbs in Turkish
Özmen, N. (September 2001). Aspectotemporal system in Turkish: Actional content and recategorization of Turkish verbs.
Dönük, D. (September 2001). A study on verb semantics: The case of Turkish learners of English.
Özdemir, V. (September 1998). A study on EFL teaching in İçel Anadolu Lisesi.
Yakupoğlu, F. (September 1998). The effect of strategy training on Turkish EFL students.

Completed Ph. D. Dissertation Supervision

Bıldırcın, Y. U. A corpus-based analysis of morpho-syntactic errors of English Learning Turkish students: Mersin University case.

Ongoing M.A. Dissertation Supervision

Altunay, S. Discourse functions of negative markers in Turkish: A corpus-based analysis.
Patıhan, G. Corpus-driven analysis of evet ‘yes’ and hı-hı in Turkish: Evidence from Spoken Turkish Corpus.

Ongoing Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision  

Mersinli, Ü. Morphosyntactic and lexical properties of multi-word expressions in Turkish: Evidence from Turkish National Corpus (TNC).

Courses Taught

1. Graduate courses 1995-

Introduction to linguistics
Cognitive linguistics
Applied linguistics
Corpus linguistics
Discourse analysis
Event structure theories
Lexical semantics and aspect

2. Undergraduate 1995-

Introduction to linguistics
Research skills
Structure of Turkish
Corpus linguistics
Discourse analysis
Applied linguistics
Language and culture
Language universals
Graduation study

3. Undergraduate (1986-1994)

English grammar
English composition
Reading in English
Teaching grammar
ELT methodology
Material development
Practice teaching

Invited Talks

02 May 2014 Sözcüksel örüntüler, anlam ve söylem ilişkisi: Derlem-temelli uygulamalar [Lexical patterns, meaning and discourse relations: Corpus-based studies] (with Mustafa Aksan), Dilbilim Seminerleri II [Linguistic Seminars II] Anadolu University, Eskişehir

20 December 2013 Derlem dilbilim ve uygulama alanları [Corpus linguistics and corpus-­based language studies] (with Prof. Mustafa Aksan) Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi: Tanıtım [ Turkish National Corpus­Demo Version: Tutorial] (with Prof. Mustafa Aksan), Anadolu University, Eskişehir

05 October 2013 Dilbilim-Dil öğretimi ilişkisi [Linguistics and language teaching], Linguistic Association of Turkey, Ankara

26 April 2012 Dil ve bilişim [Language and cognition] Thursday Talks, Mersin University (with Aygül Uçar)

20 November 2009 Kimi niteliksel ve niceliksel görünümleriyle Türkçe Ulusal Dil Derlemi [On some qualitative and quantitative aspects of Turkish National Corpus] Ankara Linguistic Circle, Middle East Techincal University (with Mustafa
11 April 2008 Türkçede yakın anlamlı sözcükler: Derleme dayalı bir çözümleme [Synonomous words in Turkish: A corpus-­based analysis] Ankara Linguistic Circle, Hacettepe Univesity

27 April 2007 Türkçede aşk ve benlik metforlarının etkileşimi [Interaction of love and self metaphors in Turkish], Interdisciplinary dialouges II, Mersin University

17 March 2006 Kavramsal metafor kuramı: Türkçede aşk metaforları [Conceptual metaphor theory: Love


Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi[Journal of Linguistic Research], Tömer Dil Dergisi [TÖMER Journal of Language], Mersin ÜniversitesiDil ve Edebiyat Dergisi [Mersin University Journal of  Linguistics and Literature], Bilig [Journal of Social Sciences and the Turkish World], TÜBİTAK [The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey]

Member of Advisory Board

Tömer Dil Dergisi [TÖMER Journal of Language], Mersin ÜniversitesiDil ve Edebiyat Dergisi [Mersin University Journal of  Linguistics and Literature]


2006 —                      International Cognitive Linguistics Association

2008 —                      Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM)

Research Activities

1. Publications


Uzun, E., L.S. Uzun, Y. Aksan & M. Aksan (1992). Türkiye Türkçesinin Türetim Ekleri: Bir döküm denemesi [Derivational suffixes of Turkish: A morpheme inventory]. Ankara: Şirin.

Aksan, Yeşim, Mustafa Aksan, Ümit Mersinli & Umut Ufuk Demirhan (2017). A frequency dictionary of Turkish. London: Routledge. Preview Version

Journal Articles

Özcan, G. & Aksan, Yeşim (2017) Sözlü Türkçede Evet’in Görünümleri: Sözlü Türkçe Derlemi’nden Bulgular. Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 14(2), 15-35.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Ümit Mersinli & Serap Altunay (2016) Türkçede Çok Sözcüklü Birimlerin İşlev Dizisi Örüntüleri. Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 13(2), 71-108.  PDF

Aksan, Mustafa &Yeşim Aksan (2015) Multi-word Expressions in Genre Specification. Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 12(1), 1-42. PDF

Ruhi, Şükriye, Mustafa Aksan & Yeşim Aksan (2014) Derlem dilbilim yöntemlerinin etkin olarak araştırmalarda kullanımı: Uygulamalar [The effective use of corpus linguistic methods in linguistic research: Applications]. Büyükkantarcıoğlu, N. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th National Linguistics Conference, 264-270. Ankara: Hacettepe University.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Umut Ufuk Demirhan (2014) Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi (TUD) arayüz özellikleri: Tanıtım ve uygulama [Turkish National Corpus (TNC) interface properties]. Büyükkantarcıoğlu, N. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th National Linguistics Conference, 280-290. Ankara: Hacettepe University.  PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan  (2009). The semantics of event plurality in Turkish.  Mersin University Journal of Linguistics and Literature 6 (2), 1-13. PDF

Çakır, Özler, Yeşim Aksan,Devrim Alıcı, Döncan Dönük (2008). İkidilli yetişkinlerin metin işlemleme süreçleri: Sesli düşünme yöntemi ve bilişsel işlemler. [Text processing strategies of bilingual adults: Think-aloud protocols and cognitive processes] Mersin University Journal of Linguistics and Literature 5(1), 38-79. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Dilek Kantar (2008). No wellness feels better than this sickness: Love metaphors from a cross-cultural perspective. Metaphor and Symbol, 23 (4), 262-291. PDF

Kantar, Dilek & Yeşim Aksan (2007) The functions of Turkish indirectives in the construction of novelistic hybrids in O. Pamuk’s White Castle. Turkic Languages 11(2), 197-210. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2007) Bare and accusative marked direct objects in aspectual composition of Turkish. Mersin University Journal of Linguistics and Literature 4(2), 103-120.  PDF

Aksan, Mustafa &Yeşim Aksan (2007). Adtabanlı eylemler ve kılınış özellikleri [Denominal verbs and their aspectual properties]. TÖMER Dil Dergisi 132, 7-27.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2004). Aspectual properties of Turkish denominal verbs. Dilbilim Araştırmaları  2004, 15-28. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Publication. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2003). Türkçe’de durum değişikliği eylemlerinin kılınış özellikleri [Aspectual properties of change of state verbs in Turkish]. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 2003, 1-14. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Publication. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (1997). Konu yorumu ve Türkçede kimi geçişsiz eylemler [Topic interpretation and the effect of some intransitive verbs in Turkish]. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 1997, 96-104. Ankara: Hitit Publication. PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (1991). Metin kavramı ve tanımlar [ On defining the concept of text]  Dilbilim Araştırmaları 1991, 90-104. Ankara: Hitit Yayınevi. PDF

Chapter in a Book

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (forthcoming) Corpus linguistics and Turkish linguistic corpora. Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2018). Linguistic corpora: A view from Turkish (pp. 301-327). Kemal Oflazer & Murat Saraçlar (Eds.) Studies in Turkish Language Processing. Springer Verlag . PDF

Aksan, Mustafa, Umut Ufuk Demirhan & Yeşim Aksan (2018) Corpus frequency and affix ordering in Turkish (pp.257-270). A. Gelbukh (ed.) Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Springer Verlag . Preview Version 

Aksan, Yeşim (2018). Küsmek, darılmak, gücenmek: Derlem çıkışlı sözcük profilleri. (pp. 1-30). Yeşim Aksan & Mustafa Aksan (Eds.) Türkçede Yapı ve İşlev: Şükriye Ruhi Armağanı Ankara: BilgeSu Yayıncılık.

Aksan, Yeşim and Demirhan, U.U. (2015). Expressions of gratitude in the Turkish National Corpus. Ruhi, Ş. and Aksan, Y. (eds.) Exploring (Im)politeness in Specialized and General Corpora: Converging Methodologies and Analytic Procedures, 121-172. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing . PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2012). Armed with Patience, Suffering an Emotion: Conceptualization of LIFE, MORALITY and EMOTION. F. MacArthur et al. (Eds.) Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture and Communication, 285-308. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2012). To emote a feeling or to feel an emotion: A view from Turkish. P. Wilson (Ed.) Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts. Lodz: Studies in Language, vol. 27, 285-306. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Aygül Uçar (2012). Türkçe sözvarlığının öğretiminde derlem kullanımı: Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi örneği [Using corpus in teaching Turkish: Evidence form Turkish National Corpus]. M. Aksan ve Y. Aksan (Eds.) Türkçe Öğretiminde Güncel Tartışmalar [Contemporary Issues in Teaching Turkish],103-112. Ankara:Şafak Matbaası. PDF

Çakır, Özler, Devrim Alıcı, Yeşim Aksan, Mustafa Aksan (2012). İlköğretim I. kademe Türkçe öğretim programının okuduğunu anlama becerisi açısından incelenmesi [ An analysis of the 1st level Turkish language teaching syllabus in terms of reading comprehension skill]. E. Yılmaz et al. (Eds.) Türkçenin Eğitimi-Öğrtemi Üzerine Çalışmalar [Studies on Turkish Language Teaching], 31-51. Ankara: Pegem Akademi. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2011). Derlem temelli sözcük anlambilimi çalışmalarının Türkçenin eğitimine katkısı [Contribution of corpus-based lexical semantic studies to teaching of Turkish]. L. Uzun & Ü. Bozkurt (Eds.) Theoretical and Applied Researches in Turkish Language Teaching,  345-358. Essen: Die Blaue Eule. PDF

Çakır, Özler, Devrim Alıcı & Yeşim Aksan  (2011). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Türkçe ve İngilizce Metinleri Okurken Kullandıkları Stratejiler ve Bunların Eğitimsel Doğurguları [Reading comprehension strategies of the university students with Turkish and English texts: Implications for teaching and learing process]. L. Uzun & Ü. Bozkurt (Eds.) Theoretical and Applied Researches in  TurkishLanguage Teaching,  129-154. Essen: Die Blaue Eule.

Aksan, Yeşim, Ümit Mersinli & Yılmaz Yaldır (2011). İlköğretim Türkçe Ders Kitapları Derlemi ve Türkçe Ulusal Dil Derlemi örneklemindeki sözcük sıklıkları [ Word freqency in Turkish Language Course Book Corpus and in the sample of Turkish National Corpus]. V. Doğan Günay (Eds.) Türkçe Öğretimi Üzerine Çalışmalar, 397-408. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2009). Building a national corpus of Turkish: Design and implementation. Working Papers in Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education no. 3, 299-31. Tokyo: TUFS.

Aksan, Yeşim & Dilek Kantar (2007). When LOVE IS A JOURNEY in English and in Turkish. P. Cap & J. Nijakowska (Eds.) Current Trends in Pragmatics, 93-109. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. PDF

Kantar, Dilek & Yeşim Aksan (2006). A linguistic cross between form and content in fiction. A.Duszak & U. Okulska (Eds.) Bridges and Walls in Metalinguistic Discourse, 355-370. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I, 261-280. Seoul: Thaehaksa. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2003). Kılınış ulamına yaklaşımlar ve Türkçe’de kılınış [Approaches to Aktionsart and Aktionsart in Turkish]. A.Kıran (Eds.) Günümüz Dilbilim Çalışmaları [Contemporary Studies in Linguistics], 68-81.İstanbul: Multilingual . PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2002). Tümce konusu: Tanımı ve kapsamı [Sentence topic: Its definition and scope] . L. Uzun & E. Huber (Eds.) Türkçede Bilgi Yapısı ve Bilimsel Metinler [Information Structure in Turkish and Scientific Discourse], 13-36. Essen: Die Blaue Eule. PDF


Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2018) Patterns and frequency: Evidence from the Turkish National Corpus (TNC). In M. A. Akıncı & K.Yağmur (Eds.) ,  The Rouen Meeting: Studies on Turkic structures and language contacts. (Turcologica; Vol. 114). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag , 107-118.  PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2017) Alanlararası Ortak Terimler: Sözlükbilim ve Derlem Dilbilim. III. Uluslararası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 596-607. Eskişehir: ESOGÜ Basımevi.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim , S. Ayşe Özel, Hakan Yılmazer & Umut Demirhan (2016) The Turkish National Corpus (TNC): Comparing the Architectures of v1 and v2. TurCling 2016, 32-37. PDF

Mersinli, Ümit & Yeşim Aksan (2016) A Methodology for Multi-word Unit Extraction in Turkish. TurCling 2016, 27-31. PDF

Mersinli, Ümit & Aksan, Yeşim (2016). Biçimbirim Dizilerinin Farklı Metin Türlerindeki Görünümleri. 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiri Kitabı, 35-41. Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Selma Ayşe Özel, Yasin Bektaş, Mustafa Aksan, Umut Ufuk Demirhan, Ümit Mersinli, Hakan Yılmazer (2016). Türkçe tümcelerin sonunu belirlemede açık kaynak/ücretsiz yazılımlar ve performans analizleri [Performance analyses of open-source / free tools detecting sentence boundaries in Turkish] Akademik Bilişim’14- XVI. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı Bildirileri, 727-734, 5-7 Şubat, 2014, Mersin Üniversitesi.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Mustafa Aksan, Selma Ayşe Özel, Hakan Yılmazer, Umut Ufuk Demirhan, Ümit Mersinli, Yasin Bektaş, Serap Altunay (2016). Web Tabanlı Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi (TUD) [Web-based Turkish National Corpus (TNC)]. Akademik Bilişim’14- XVI. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı Bildirileri, 723-730, 5-7 Şubat, 2014, Mersin Üniversitesi.  PDF

Aksan,Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2016) Türkçenin derlem-temelli sıklık sözlüğü: Temel İlkeler ve Uygulama. Uluslarası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı cilt I, 81-96. PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2015). Multi-word units in informative and imaginative domains. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, 18-21 September 2012. Berlin: Harrasowitz Verlag.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Umut Ufuk Demirhan (2015). Genel adlar: Sıklık listesinden işlevsel ulamlara [General nouns: From frequency lists to functional categories]. Proceedings of the 28th National Linguistics Conference, 08-09 May 2014, Sakarya University. PDF

Ruhi, Şükriye, Mustafa Aksan & Yeşim Aksan (2014) Derlem dilbilim yöntemlerinin etkin olarak araştırmalarda kullanımı: Uygulamalar [The effective use of corpus linguistic methods in linguistic research: Applications]. Büyükkantarcıoğlu, N. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th National Linguistics Conference, 264-270. Ankara: Hacettepe University.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Umut Ufuk Demirhan (2014) Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi (TUD) arayüz özellikleri: Tanıtım ve uygulama [Turkish National Corpus (TNC) interface properties]. Büyükkantarcıoğlu, N. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th National Linguistics Conference, 280-290. Ankara: Hacettepe University.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Aksan, Mustafa, Koltuksuz, Ahmet et al. (2012). Construction of the Turkish National Corpus (TNC), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evalution (LREC 2012), 21-27 Mayıs 2012, İstanbul, 3223-3227.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Yılmaz Yaldır (2012). A corpus-based word frequency list of Turkish: Evidence from the Turkish National Corpus. The Szged Conference. Proceedings of the 15 th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics 20-22 Agust 2010, 47-58.Szged: Studia Uralo-altaica. PDF

Altunay, Serap, Güner Patıhan, Yasemin Yalçin & Yeşim Aksan (2012). Uluslararası Türkçenin Eğitimi-Öğretimi kurultaylarının üç yılı: Bildiri özetleri derlemi neleri gösteriyor? [Three years of International Conferences of Turkish Language Teaching: What does Conference Abstarcts’ Corpus show?]  M. Aksan ve A. Uçar (Eds.)  Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Turkish Language Teaching, 177-186. Ankara: Şafak Matbaası.

Aksan, Yeşim & Yılmaz Yaldır (2011). Türkçe sözvarlığının nicel betimlemesi [ A  quantitative description of Turkish lexicon].  Ç. Sağın-Şimşek & Ç. Hatipoğlu   (Eds.) 24. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiri Kitabı, 377-387. Ankara: ODTÜ Basım İşliği. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2010). A corpus-based analysis of conceptual love metaphors. Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference 20-23 July 2009, University of Liverpool.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Tolga Kayadelen & Özge Yücel (2010). Olay anlambilimi açısından Türkçe durum eylemleri üzerine kimi gözlemler [Event semantics and some properties of state verbs in Turkish] XXIIIth National Linguistics Conference, 251-269. Gazimağusa.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim &Mustafa Aksan (2009) A typology of pluractional forms in Turkish. S. Ay (Eds.) Essays on Turkish Linguistis, 33-42. Berlin: Harrasowitz Verlag.  PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2009). Degree modification and event semantics: Derived verbs and postverb constructions in Turkish. S. Tatevosov (Ed.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics III, 120-134. Moscow: MAKS Press  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Nursel Duran, Didem Erşen, Çiğdem Hızarcı, Sıdıka Korkmaz, Bengü Sever & Taner Sezer (2009). Türkçede yakın anlamlı sözcükler: Bir derlem çalışması [Synonomous words in Turkish: A corpus-based analysis]. M. Sarıca, N. Sarıca & A. Karaca (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXIIth National Linguistics Conference, 558-567. Ankara: Cantekin. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2009). Türkçe ulusal derlemi oluşturma: İlkeler ve tasarım [Design featues of Turkish National Corpus]. Y. Özdemir (Ed.) Proceedings of Mersin Confererence Vol. I 19-22 November 2008,  565-569. Mersin: Güven Ofset.

Aksan, Yeşim ve Dilek Kantar (2008). Kavramsal metafor kuramı açısından Türkçede duygu metaforları bütüncesi [A corpus of conceptual metaphors of emotion in Turkish]. Y. Aksan & M. Aksan (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXIth national linguistics conference, 10-11 May 2007, 354-357. Ankara: Şafak Publications.

Çakır, Özler, Aksan, Yeşim, Alıcı, Devrim, Dönük, Dönercan (2008). İkidilli yetişkinlerin metin işlemleme süreçleri [Text processing strategies of bilingual adults]. Y. Aksan & M. Aksan (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXIth national linguistics conference, 10-11 May 2007, 358-361. Ankara: Şafak Publications.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2006). Scalar semantic representation of aspectually variable verbs in Turkish. S. Yağcıoğlu & A. Cem-Değer (Eds.) Studies in Turkish linguistics, ICTL 2004, 93-106. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Publication.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2005). Bileşik eylemler, sıralı eylemler ve görünüş [Compound verbs, serial verbs and aspect]. M. Sarı & H. Nas (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIXth national linguistics conference, 398-413. Şanlıurfa: Elif Printing House.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2004). Aspectual and lexical properties of Turkish and English denominal verbs. C. Meier & M. Weisgerber (Eds.) Proceedings of the conference “sub 8- Sinn und Bedeutung”, 9-24. Arbeitspapiere des Fachbereichs Sprachwissenschaft117, Konstanz University.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2003). Postpositions in Turkish: Adverbial use and aspectual properties. S. Özsoy (Eds.) Studies in Turkish linguistics, 175-184. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (2001). Türkçede zaman anlatımı ve kimi ikileme yapıları [The role of reduplicative forms in expressing temporal relations in Turkish]. Ö. Demircan & A. Erözden (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVth national linguistics conference, 24-25 May 2001, 115-122. İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Univesity. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (1999). Söylem ilkelerinin oluşumunda Türkçe sözdiziminin yönelimleri [Preferences of Turkish word order in determining discourse principles]. Y. Aksan & M. Aksan (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIIth national linguistics conference, 14-16 May 1998, 73-88. Ankara: Şafak Publications. PDF

Aksan, Yeşim ve Özler Çakır (1997). İlkokul öğrencilerinin yazılı anlatımlarının metinsellik ölçütleri ve metin konusu oluşumu açısından değerlendirilmesi [An analysis of primary school students’ essays in terms of principles of textuality and thematization]. D. Zeyrek & Ş. Ruhi (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIth national linguistics conference, 22-23 May 1997, 105-128. Ankara: Şafak Publications.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim (1996). Türkçe metinlerde tümce konusu-metin konusu etkileşimi [Sentence topic and discourse topic interaction in Turkish]. L. Oktar & A. Cem Değer (Eds.) Proceedings of the Xth national linguistics conference, 22-24 May 1996, 67-76. İzmir: Ege University Publication. PDF

2. Presentations

Aksan, Yeşim, Aksan, Mustafa, Özel, Selma Ayşe, Yılmazer, Hakan, Demirhan, Umut Ufuk, Mersinli, Ümit, Bektaş, Yasin & Altunay, Serap (2014) Web Tabanlı Türkçe Ulusal Derlemi (TUD) [Web-based Turkish National Corpus (TNC)], 16th Academic Information System Conference 5-7 Februrary 2014, Mersin University.  PDF

Aksan,Yeşim, Selma Ayşe Özel, Yasin Bektaş, Mustafa Aksan, Umut Ufuk Demirhan, Ümit Mersinli, Hakan Yılmazer (2014) Türkçe Tümcelerin Sonunu Belirlemede Açık Kaynak / Ücretsiz Yazılımlar ve Performans Analizleri [Performance analyses of open source/free tools detecting sentence boundaries in Turkish]. 16th Academic Information System Conference 5-7 Februrary 2014, Mersin University.  PDF

Aksan, Yeşim, Demirhan, Umut Ufuk (2014) Genel Adlar: Sıklık Listesinden İşlevsel Ulamlara [General nouns: From frequency lists to functional categories], 28. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı [28th National Linguistic Conference], 08-09 May 2014, Sakarya Univeristy, Sakarya.

Aksan, Y. & Aksan, M. (2014) Frequency effects in Turkish: A study on multi-word units. 17th ICTL, 03-05 September 2014, Rouen University, France.   PDF

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2013). Multi-word units and pragmatic functions in genre specification. 13th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 2013), 8-13 September 2013, New Delhi, India. PPT

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan  (2012). Multi-word units in informative and imaginative domains. 16th  International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, 18-21 September 2012. Ankara, METU.  PDF

Çakır, Özler & Yeşim Aksan (2011). Türkçe ders kitaplarında yeralan metinlerin metinsellik ölçütlerine, metne bağlı etkinliklerin strateji geliştimeye uygunluklarına göre incelenmesi. 4. Uluslararası Türkçenin Eğitimi-Öğretimi Kurultayı, 8-9 Eylül 2011. Sakarya, Sakarya Üniversitesi.

Aksan, Yeşim and Demirhan, U.U. (2015). Expressions of gratitude in the Turkish National Corpus. Ruhi, Ş. and Aksan, Y. (eds.) Exploring (Im)politeness in Specialized and General Corpora: Converging Methodologies and Analytic Procedures, 121-172. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Aksan, Yeşim, Ümit Mersinli & Umut U. Demirhan (2011). Türkçe Ulusal Dil Derlemi Projesi biçimbirim çalışmalarında belirsizliklerin sınıflandırılması ve dağılımı. 25. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, 5-7 Mayıs 2011. Adana, Çukurova Üniversitesi.

Aksan, Yeşim, Seda Öz & İpek Yıldız (2010). Challanges in the construction of the Turkish National Corpus. 15 th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics , 20-22 Agust 2010. Szged, Hungary.

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2009). A corpus-based analysis of conceptual love metaphors. Corpus Linguistics 2009, 20-23 July 2009. University of Liverpool, England.

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2008). A typology of pluractional forms in Turkish. The 14th International Conference on Turkish linguistics, 6-8 August 2008, Ankara University.

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2008). Armed with Patience, Suffering an Emotion: Conceptualization of LIFE, and EMOTION. Researching and Applying Metaphor 7, 29-31 May 2008, University of Extramadura .

Aksan, Yeşim (2007). Conceptualization of lover’s self in Turkish love metaphors, paper presented in the theme session “Metaphors of love and anger: Implication for the conceptualization of self” at the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 15-20 July 2007, Jagiellonian University.

Aksan, Mustafa& Yeşim Aksan (2006).Degree modification and event semantics: Derived verbs and postverb constructions in Turkish. Workshop in Formal Altaic Linguistics 3, 22-24 May 2006, Moscow State University.

Aksan, Mustafa& Yeşim Aksan (2006).Event semantics and the role of degree modification in Turkish verbal constructions. The 13th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, 16-20 Agust 2006, Uppsala University.

Aksan, Yeşim & Dilek Kantar (2006). The Love as a Journey metaphor in thecultural schemata of English and Turkish speakers. The 3rd Lodz Symposium: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, 11-14 May 2006, University of Lodz.

Kantar, Dilek & Yeşim Aksan (2005). Contrastive linguistic analysis of love metaphors in English and in Turkish. The 3rd International conference in contrastive semantics and pragmatics, 16-18 September 2005, Shangahi International Studies University.

Dilek Kantar & Yeşim Aksan (2004). The functions of modality markers in the construction of novelistic hybrids in Turkish. Chronos VI 20-24 September 2004, University of Geneva.

Aksan, Yeşim (2004). Nominal semantic structure in the aspectual composition of Turkish. Chronos VI 20-24 September 2004, University of Geneva.

Aksan, Yeşim (2003). Aspectual and lexical semantic properties of Turkish and English denominal verbs. Sub 8- Sinn und Bedeutung September 29th-October 1st 2003, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University.

3. Editor of proceedings

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan(1998). XII. Ulusal dilbilim kurultayı bildirileri (Proceedings of the XIIth national linguistics conference). Ankara: Şafak Publications.

Aksan, Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2008). XXI. Ulusal dilbilim kurultayı bildirileri (Proceedings of the XXIth national linguistics conference). Ankara: Şafak Publications.

Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan  (2012). Türkçe Öğretiminde Güncel Çalışmalar (Contemporary Issuses in Turkish Language Teaching). Ankara: Şafak Matbaası.

4. Editor of a book

Ruhi, Ş. & Aksan, Y. (forthcoming). Exploring (Im)politeness in Specialized and General Corpora: Converging Methodologies and Analytic Procedures, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  PDF

Aksan, Y., & Aksan, M. (Eds.). (2018). Türkçede Yapı ve İşlev: Şükriye Ruhi Armağanı. Ankara: BilgeSu Yayıncılık.

5. Work in progress

Aksan, Y., Aksan, M., Mersinli, Ü., Demirhan, U.U. A Frequency Dictionary of Turkish. Routledge. Preview Version

Aksan, M., Aksan, Y. Multi-word expressions in genre specification. (It will be submitted to Pragmatics as a contribution to a special issue on “Turkish Discourse and Pragmatics” edited by D. Zeyrek and Ü.D.Turan).